Mirror View

This blog is a birds eyeview of my life. Varying from trekking adventures to rocking satsangs, from coffee shops to college canteens, Fidgetting with fun and enthusiasm... learning and spreading the art of breadth and the joy in smiling....... This is simply an UNWINDING of a few thoughts that are stuck in my Mind....!!!

Life's always a full circle, what goes around has to come around, so why stop to enjoy the pain and suffering when we can drool in the joy and happiness....!!!!

A Complete 360 Degree...!!!

My Life 360 degrees

My Life 360 degrees

Sunday, September 19, 2010

On d Phone.....!!!!

Phone lines aren’t working…
M tryin till ur phone gets ringing…..

I hear ur voice at the other end…..
Which is exactly what I intend....

Talking on how much of each other we miss….
Before we end up blowing kiss after kiss….

Holidays are what I wanna spend….
Rules that I always wanna bend….

Eternity is till when I have waited…..
To be with you, who knows no hatred….

Your love is so much on the rise….
Making me have an inherent vice…..

I begin to dwell in ur craziness…..
Feeling the warmth n the coldness….

In the mesmerization…. All I say is



  1. aww.. soo damn nice!! ;)

  2. well written dear...... thats the feeling of love .. :) ... shruti

  3. @Chandrika - Will make sure u like all th paras next time around.... lol....

  4. It's very hard to believe that this is not your own experince! :)

  5. Oh well, i never spoke about this blog before.... lol


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