Mirror View

This blog is a birds eyeview of my life. Varying from trekking adventures to rocking satsangs, from coffee shops to college canteens, Fidgetting with fun and enthusiasm... learning and spreading the art of breadth and the joy in smiling....... This is simply an UNWINDING of a few thoughts that are stuck in my Mind....!!!

Life's always a full circle, what goes around has to come around, so why stop to enjoy the pain and suffering when we can drool in the joy and happiness....!!!!

A Complete 360 Degree...!!!

My Life 360 degrees

My Life 360 degrees

Monday, May 14, 2012

Dream on.... cos its Game on

A dream they say happens mostly when you are fast asleep and are completely lost in that meditative state of mind called Yog Nidra. But then there certainly are times when we would have experienced something even when we are wide awake. That is just the mere proof for me that says that it is our mind that dreams and not us. Our mind is in its own world enjoying all by itself. It is indeed very necessary for us to have a dream and to simply focus on our dream and work towards it because in the end gradually we would get to our dream.
When we dream and believe in our dream, the entire universe works to make sure our dreams are fulfilled.
That is simply why i believe that we must Always Dream On cos Life's Game is always On !!!