Mirror View

This blog is a birds eyeview of my life. Varying from trekking adventures to rocking satsangs, from coffee shops to college canteens, Fidgetting with fun and enthusiasm... learning and spreading the art of breadth and the joy in smiling....... This is simply an UNWINDING of a few thoughts that are stuck in my Mind....!!!

Life's always a full circle, what goes around has to come around, so why stop to enjoy the pain and suffering when we can drool in the joy and happiness....!!!!

A Complete 360 Degree...!!!

My Life 360 degrees

My Life 360 degrees

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Kanu Priya in words.....

I had this somewhere
A tiny frame trots into class….
One with a short pony tail…
I yearn to spend time with her….
Only to learn that she’s down with fever…..
Food’s what deficient in her body….
Saline’s hanging by her so steady…..
She’s got a charming face….
Simple attitude with loads of grace…..
Her hands very soft n tender….
A perfect beer belly….
For a body perfect fully…..
Clothes that fit in from the kid’s section…..
A false nose ring she’s got…..
Ear’s occupied with simple gold…..
The criss cross tooth…..
Glasses she never wears…..
A fast track to check on her time…..
Her lip gloss is her companion……
She’s a sweetheart with very simple practices to life….
I wonder in amazement as I pinch myself……
To believe that I have been inducted into the friends list….
Of an Amazingly Little Wonderful Gurl.


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