Mirror View

This blog is a birds eyeview of my life. Varying from trekking adventures to rocking satsangs, from coffee shops to college canteens, Fidgetting with fun and enthusiasm... learning and spreading the art of breadth and the joy in smiling....... This is simply an UNWINDING of a few thoughts that are stuck in my Mind....!!!

Life's always a full circle, what goes around has to come around, so why stop to enjoy the pain and suffering when we can drool in the joy and happiness....!!!!

A Complete 360 Degree...!!!

My Life 360 degrees

My Life 360 degrees

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Yawning Lectures

All are sitting, trying to stay awake...
Burning eyes concentrating hard...
Listening and falling deep inside...
Some head into dreamlands...
Others crash into the book...
Most mentally absent...
The first bencher's keep the teachers going...
The rest somehow manage to keep themselves going...
Engaged in SMS, i-pod, Mobile gaming...

A new topic begins only when all students cry



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