Mirror View

This blog is a birds eyeview of my life. Varying from trekking adventures to rocking satsangs, from coffee shops to college canteens, Fidgetting with fun and enthusiasm... learning and spreading the art of breadth and the joy in smiling....... This is simply an UNWINDING of a few thoughts that are stuck in my Mind....!!!

Life's always a full circle, what goes around has to come around, so why stop to enjoy the pain and suffering when we can drool in the joy and happiness....!!!!

A Complete 360 Degree...!!!

My Life 360 degrees

My Life 360 degrees

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Random Scribbling

I wish I could keep running away…
All along & simply all the way…

Racking my brains…
for having only grains….
I reach out for love…..
without wearing gloves…..
I do things wanting romance…
from the one I always glance….

I wish I could keep running away…
All along & simply all the way…

Wanna wrap my hands around her….
Run my fingers through her hair….
Feeling them flow like a flare….
Wish to be with you and spend time with you….
But then you are so far away....
And time begins to sway…..

I wish I could keep running away…
All along & simply all the way…

Entangled in all my thought…..
Not forgetting all the times we fought…..
Sipping coffee when its cappucinno…
Munchin Pizzas when its fillipino….

I wish I could keep running away…
All along & simply all the way…


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